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Trip Info
Splendid High Adventure P.Ltd. conducts the Yoga/Meditation program for our clients who wants to be efficient and strong from the mind in their professional field, life-style, daily activities, by balancing in their hand/heart and head (mind). Actually those people who are advanced in physical facilities, most of them are far from cultural/spiritual (inner) values. This crux of problems needs to solve by attaining Yoga/Meditation course so as to strengthen them in uniform direction in hand, head and heart.
We offer three basic type of meditation
Vipasana meditation :
Vipassana is one of the most ancient techniques. Long lost to people, it was rediscovered by Gautam Buddha more than 2500 years ago. Vipassana means ‘to see things as they really are’. It is an art of living which frees the individual from all the negativities of mind, such as anger, greed and ignorance. It is a practice which develops positive, creative energy for the betterment of the individual and society.
The path (Dhamma) is a universal remedy for universal problems and has nothing to do with any religion. It can be practiced freely by anyone without conflict with race, caste or religion, in any place, and at any time and it will prove beneficial to everyone
Buddhist meditation at Kopan monastery
Kopan Monastery offers short residential courses in Buddhist meditation and practice throughout the year. These courses give a theoretical and practical introduction to Buddhist philosophy of the Tibetan Mahayana Tradition. They are based on one of the principal teachings of this tradition called ‘The Graded Path to Enlightenment’ (Lam Rim).
The courses combine lectures and teachings with meditation practice and discussion of relevant topics in a more informal way.
A three day retreat with intensive guided meditation on the Graded Path to Enlightenment follows the course. The course is led by a Western nun with daily teachings from a Tibetan Lama, combining two styles of transmission of this precious knowledge on how to make life meaningful and worthwhile
Osho meditation
Osho Tapoban lies in the western side of Kathmandu. It is about twelve kilometers from Tribhuwan International Airport, about ten kilometers from Kathmandu city center and six kilometers from Balaju New Bus Park. Osho Tapoban is the place to be, the place where one can get inner peace, explore yourself in a meditative environment and a place that will remain in your heart for ever and you won’t afford to miss this place.
Love is not enough, awareness is needed. If love is there without awareness it becomes imprisonment and if love is there with awareness it becomes a freedom
Yoga :
Yoga = ‘Unity’, ‘Oneness’. Came from the Sanskrit word “YOG” which means “TO JOIN”. To many, the thought of yoga has an image of postures (Asanas) to develop flexibility, general body health and awareness. This is just the beginning. While the main point is to reach the highest goal of the spiritual path, practicing yoga can give benefits to everyone regardless to their spiritual aims.
The Eight Fold Path of Yoga looks deeply into the morality of living. It consists of: Yama (self restraints), Niyama (self observances) Asana, Pranayama (breath techniques), Pratyhara (withdrawal of the senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (identification with pure consciousness).
There is an inter-relationship between yoga and meditation and you can decide to focus more on either one or both together. The Himalayas have played a big role in self realization. It’s isolation from the world and ideal environment makes Nepal an ideal place to practice.